Making Money

5 tips for HOSTING on Airbnb in Austin TX – Build passive income!

i started hosting on airbnb in june 2021 and am now a superhost! i have learned a LOT since then, so im sharing the five things i wish i had known about hosting on airbnb. basically… automations and dynamic pricing tools like hospitable (formerly smartbnb), beyond, and pricelabs are EVERYTHING!! so much good info in this video about property management companies, how to develop your STR marketing strategy, the importance of a good cleaning team, services to outsource, and more!

airbnb furnishing cost checklist for download:

if you’re new, im kaya, a 25 year old girl living in austin TX and running multiple businesses, including a beauty e-commerce brand and a short term rental property business on airbnb. i would love for you to stick around! i share content about my life- behind the scenes of starting + scaling a business (the good, bad, and ugly), living in ATX, and sharing the very best in beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. excited to have you here!

check out my makeup brand:

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love y’all xx
– kaya


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  1. Kaya! I am interested in starting airbnb arbitrage in Austin and I came across something online that says I must have a license to do short term rentals in the city. Could you help me figure this problem out and how to go about starting an airbnb in Austin? Thank you so much!

  2. Hi Kaya, thank you for creating and sharing this video! What type of permit did you apply for and are you the owner of your properties? I am trying to navigate the restrictions here in Austin and maybe I am missing how to accomplish a goal of having an STR. Thank you!

  3. You can't imagine how much I like the phrase "25-year-old girl." Truthfully sometimes I feel like a 65-year-old girl. We can all be girls or women as the situation requires.

  4. Online it pretty much says you cant do air bnb in city limits but I see so many places on air bnb in the city how do they get around this? Are they just taking a big risk and hoping they don’t get caught? I’m very confused ?

  5. Hey great video, how do you deal with the regulations in Austin? Not sure what kind of property you have, but I saw they are not giving out licenses for non owner occupied. How do you get around that? I assume you'd have to do type 2 or 3

  6. Love these tips!! Also in the Austin area considering STRs. The cleaning team tips, tool website, and hands-on reality were really helpful! Agree on PM companies lol Great video!

  7. Another Austinite as well! Great video! I am on a similar journey so this information is definitely helpful. Im building an A-Frame cabin on the outskirts of San Antonio for Airbnb and am trying to take as many notes as possible before its done and I have to list it.

  8. Yes, love Hospitable for automatic messages. I am also using price labs too. My first Airbnb is about to go Live in Round Rock 🙂 Love hearing others stories. I would love to see a STR rental income video, I always find it fascinating and so interesting to see seasonality included etc. Also would love to hear what other hosts make in crazy months like October with ACL and F1.

  9. Great video. Thanks for sharing! Did you wait for a long time for Airbnb permit? Which area is your Airbnb located? I have an investment property in Austin and right now I’m thinking about renting out on long term lease but also looking at Airbnb options!

  10. This was such a helpful video! My fiancé and I are looking to get into the STR space in Austin as well so that's how I stumbled on your video. Great content! Would love to see more content like this! Keep it up!

  11. Fellow austinite here. Heard of you from our local founders page. It’s amazing that you took a chance to quit your job to start and sustain a CPG business in the midst of COVID. How are you able to manage running your own business and Airbnb?

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