Making Money

Asking Millionaires How They Got RICH! (Austin)

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We interviewed wealthy people in varying industries all across Austin, Texas. We interviewed people in a variety of industries such as Real Estate, Solar, Technology, E-commerce and Entrepreneurship. We have a ton of amazing content on the way so make sure you stay tuned for more content soon!

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  1. Half these dudes were trust fund babies. Prove me wrong. That guy saying buy index funds and the guy who said invest in crypto. 100% trust fund babies

  2. IMO Immersed is a lie. When he brought up how much they’re “valued” when asked about profit…yeah you only say that if you don’t yet have a business.

  3. Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future.., I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life!!

  4. Steve Jobs made millions, lived in luxury. One of the greatest business minds ever . Today you can find him in a grave in some cemetery. Jesus said what good does it do you if you win the whole world but lose your soul.

  5. The more videos Iwatch from him, the more I am shocked that there is never a woman. If he asks a woman, she's usually like 'I divorced someone' – wtf. Come oooon fellow woman, we have to change that

  6. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mrs Michelle Stewart

  7. I helped build up an oil field producing oil and gas working 13-18 hour days south of Austin and there was just 2 of us and the other guy retired when my company decided to sell. They sold the assets for 1.3 billion to a Houston based company. I made good money but no where near what these guys are making. Delegation is the key but when you have engineers straight out of college and they don’t know what they are talking about and you are the one callng the shots and they get paid more and persuade their decision making. learn and take that with you. It’s a backwards messed up world learn to be your own boss and be passionate and you will never work a single day.
    FYI I had 4 wells and made the company millions of dollars in one month and the property owner received his 1st months check for 500k from what I did. The owner should of opened a bakery with all of the food they brought me everyday.

  8. I heard one millionaire say there are many ways to get rich. We should stop asking people how they got rich because we are being a copycat and they never tell you about the many businesses and ides they tried that didn't work and the ones they tell you got them rich are the few that worked. Its trial and error. Have a business idea attempt it, don't assume it wont work you don't know until you attempt it.

  9. Wanted to say thank you for this incredible video. Really insightful stories and advice from the people you interviewed. Your interview style and questions were all on point 🙂

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