Making Money

Buying a gun for the first time and what you should know.

Buying your first gun can be intimidating and overwhelming. Owning and shooting firearms is a tremendous pastime for everyone. Now is the best time to find that right firearm for you, and to get out on the range!


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  1. Do you have to fill out that form every time you purchase a gun? Or is it like one of those background forms that lasts x amount of months/year before having to renew it again?

  2. Bought my first guns (other than an old Remington .22, and a 12 Ga. Iver Johnson single barrel I got as gifts) at the local hardware store. They were 7.65 surplus Argentine Mauser, $29.95, in excellent condition, and a new Ruger .22 Bearcat handgun, $49.00. Showed the clerk my driver license (I was 18), and walked out with both.

  3. Good video. In my opinion just to add something, if someone came to me to purchase a firearm I would first ask them how much experience do they have using a firearm. If they don't have experience I would suggest to the customer that they might want to take a class on the basics of handling and operating a firearm safely. I wouldn't turn down a sale but I would encourage new shooters to get trained.

  4. Man with the newsfeed I keep getting from Twitter, it really has me paranoid enough to want to buy a gun, however owning one is still scary to me and can't pass that mental hurdle

  5. In our town a guy walked into the gun store & asked to look at a pump shotgun, the owner handed it to him & him fished 2 shells out of his coat pocket & loaded the gun, the owner told him he couldnt do that in there & the guy shot him graveyard dead, cleaned out the register picked up a couple side arms & walked out the door. Good thing the store had a sec cam.


  6. The biggest problem i have when im buying guns is the workers/owners are such pricks. I swear you must become a giant asshole the moment you become a gun salesman.

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