Making Money

I Worked Doordash Full Time for a Year (and made $___)

Taking you through what it’s like to Doordash for a year, giving you Doordash tips, and show you how much you REALLY make in a year as a full time Doordash Driver


Get $10 when you download Solo and link your active gig work account(s) in the Solo app! Connected accounts must have a minimum of one previous job, be using the latest version of the app, and have a connected payout method (Venmo or Paypal) to qualify for the Moore Finance X Solo sign-up bonus. Bonus is only valid for US-based gig workers. amounts are subject to change.

When will Moore Finance subs get paid?
Didn’t receive your bonus right away? Don’t worry—Moore Finance X Solo sign-up bonuses will be processed every Tuesday for the previous week (Monday-Sunday). As long as you have your Venmo or Paypal connected to your Solo Wallet, Solo will send the bonus owed as soon as Solo verifies you have linked your active gig work accounts. Bonus amounts are subject to change.


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  1. I hear all these youtuber talking about making $1000 a week with doordash and I wonder where in the world is that yesterday for example I was for 7 hour doordashing and only got $18 in my area, the best I ve been able to do in a month doing it is $59 in 8 hour .
    Doordash sucks!

  2. I pick and choose my orders. Been doing this full time about 5 years straight. Do better than my corporate job and a lot less stress. My acceptance rate varies from 35% to 65%. Haven't been top dasher in over 3 years.

  3. What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul? For anyone reading this, let your year of more include finding Jesus. He is the way the life and the truth. No man comes to God except through him.

    Great video. Very thorough. I really appreciated it.

  4. Lmao. You got paid $16 an hour. Min wage to put 36k miles on your car. You know how much damage you did to your car for nothing? You could work a real job within a short drive and make way more with less expenses.

  5. do not listen to this guy right off the top he made $1.04 per mile that tells you everything you need to know when you should not take deleveries for less than $2.00 + per mile

  6. Hopefully, next month I’m going to get back to dashing full-time. The only thing I worry about is keeping track of my miles. I will admit I have not been good with this in the past. Even when it comes to filing my taxes in general, it makes me anxious. In the past I used TurboTax, but now I’m not so sure what to use. Do you have a video on filing taxes with door dash? I would greatly appreciate the help.

  7. Very honest review, the other guys who say they earn 30$ per hr doing door dash in Australia, I just wish that a huge boulder a size of Mt Everest fall from the sky and crush them really. Cuz I started dashing bcuz of the juicy pay but I earn only 15$ per hr. Its just feels stupid. Btw if anybody has the referral code for menulog plz pass it to me.

  8. There's only one comment I would like to make about your financial situation in case you read this, but when you get close to retirement age they go back 10 years to see how much you contributed to social security and I recommend you making a separate account for retirement that would equal what you would get for social security or more since you're not contributing to it now. You might regret it if you don't. Just a thought and unwarranted advice to young people.😊

  9. Here’s a bit of an issue. You work a regular job get paid $20 an hour. You aren’t gonna look at it as I have to spend this much in gas a week and I have to pay this much in taxes so really I’m only making x not $20 an hour. This is what dashers tend to overthink about. You make $38000. That’s what you made gross same as a normal job. Your net is then after your expenses and what you paid into taxes. Now I’m not sure of the exact amount you’d pay in tax wise at $38000 for a normal job but you’d want to look at it as how much do you keep from a job like that after taxes and how much you keep from DoorDash after taxes and expenses.

  10. Do you get adjustments for doordash and uber eats. Here in california I usually get about $150 a week on doordash and about $150 every two weeks on uber eats. Is that only in certain states ??

  11. Doing this for living unless retired you are wasting your life people……side hustle fine but you are being drugged by the endorphins, the rules, the supposed top this and top that. Have a good life tey different things, hobbies work towards something please young people dont do this do more then a party-time paycheck.


  13. Gas prices are down a bit now, at least where I am. After 3 days of dashing, I made $500 after taking out gas cost.
    I'm looking into getting a good e-bike with at least a 60mi range and 30mph top speed.

  14. Just got outta the military and I'm about to try this while I get my degree. Hard to find a job that pays enough to live on in my area and also fit around my classes.
    ALSO, as an E-4, I made less than you. And they expect us to be willing to get shot at! So that's pretty good!

  15. Also, if you’re only recording miles you need to record your gas. If your accountant gives you shit about it that’s doing your taxes as you have to do is take your mileage and compare to your gas with your car miles per gallon you could figure it out and then keep your receipts for your food for your pencils pens, paper, office supplies, all that good stuff, phone car insurance car repairs all that’s tax deductible.

  16. I work in a rural area I’m in between two cities. One city is smaller and has 15,000 people and there’s a twin city close to it and that one has 15,000 and the other has about 10,000 and I only made about 10,000 last year working the whole year every month and being top dasher, I took a lot of time off here and there I have back issues but again at least I made top Dasher every month.

  17. Here's some advice, STOP using your 'active dash time' to calculate bogus (hourly earnings).

    I'm sick of Dashers saying (I worked 40 hours). Then they used their 7 hour (active dash time) to divide out their total earnings.

    If you are driving or sitting in your car with the app turned on; I'm pretty sure you're working.

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