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What is the most profitable things to sell at farmers market What food sells best at farmers markets

What is the most profitable things to sell at farmers’ market What food sells best at farmers’ markets

The Best-Selling Foods at Farmers’ Markets

Farmers’ markets are not just about connecting with the community and enjoying the outdoors; they are also incredible platforms for entrepreneurs and farmers to sell their produce and products directly to consumers. But what items turn the most profit? After delving into trends, consumer preferences, and seasonal influences, it’s clear that certain foods consistently emerge as best-sellers. Let’s explore the most profitable things to sell at farmers’ markets.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
At the heart of any farmers’ market lies its fresh fruits and vegetables. Consumers flock to these markets for produce that outshines what’s available in grocery stores in terms of flavor, freshness, and nutritional value. Organic and locally grown options are particularly appealing, often commanding higher prices due to their quality and sustainable appeal. Seasonal fruits like berries, apples, peaches, and heirloom varieties of vegetables can quickly sell out, making them highly profitable for growers.

Baked Goods
Homemade baked goods are a farmers’ market staple, offering comfort and a taste of home-cooking that’s hard to resist. Artisan bread, pastries, cookies, and pies made with local ingredients have a significant draw. These items not only attract immediate consumption but also gifts and special occasion purchases. The key to success in this category is quality, uniqueness, and presentation.

Prepared Foods
Prepared foods have seen a surge in popularity at farmers’ markets. This category includes ready-to-eat meals, sauces, jams, and pickles. Consumers are increasingly looking for quick and easy meal solutions that do not compromise on quality or healthiness. Items that incorporate local ingredients and cater to dietary preferences such as gluten-free, vegan, or keto are especially popular. Offering samples can dramatically increase sales, as it gives customers a taste of what to expect.

Specialty and Artisan Products
Specialty items such as artisan cheeses, cured meats, and handcrafted chocolates are high-ticket items at farmers’ markets. These products appeal to food enthusiasts looking for unique flavors and quality that mass-produced items can’t offer. The story behind these artisan products, along with their local origin, often justifies higher prices, making them quite profitable.

Plants and Flowers
Plants, herb starts, and fresh flowers are not traditionally “food” items but are incredibly profitable at farmers’ markets. They add color and life to market stalls, attracting customers who might come for the produce but leave with a bouquet or a new plant. Edible plants like herbs or vegetable starts also sell well, appealing to the growing interest in home gardening.

The key to profitability at farmers’ markets lies in offering high-quality, unique products that meet the demands and preferences of your customers. Whether it’s fresh produce, artisan foods, or plants, understanding your market and focusing on items with the highest profit margins will ensure your success. Engaging with customers, providing exceptional products, and creating a memorable experience will turn casual visitors into loyal patrons, securing your spot as a favorite vendor at the farmers’ market.

00:00 Intro
00:31 Home based food
01:21 Marketing Food
02:25 Our Memberships
02:41 Trail Mixes
05:37 Baked Goods
06:37 Average Costs
07:48 Popcorn Bulk
09:35 Spices
11:52 Gourmet Foods
13:19 Most Profitable

#farmersmarket #sellingfood #foodbusinessidea


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  1. I’m not sure where you live but I’m in Oklahoma. The only bulk trail mix available is at least $7 a pound. Prepackaged in the store is $10 for half a pound. So I don’t think your pricing and profit margin is accurate.

  2. What about vegetables? None of that is homegrown. I think the prices are GREEDY even if people will spend it is no right for vendors to over price. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

  3. Except the baked goods, those are not items that should be accepted in a farmers market. They are more like for a re-sellers market. Farmers markets exist to support farmers and the freshness of what they grow and do with the product they grow, not to support re-sellers, for that matter people could go to the grocery store and health stores.

  4. What’s the best way to get the popcorn sales going as in how many spices should you start with? Because your link doesn’t have variety packs so you have to buy 1lb bags for $10… I guess maybe start worth 2-3 and keep adding? Don’t want to buy and ton and then it not sell well

  5. I am thinking about selling kettle chips at my local farmers market. There's a guy selling Kettle Corn and I guess he does well cause he's been there for many years. I got laid off in January and need to come up with something. I think Kettle Chips might work. I'm in San Jose… now I just need to figure out permits and stuff.

  6. I want to make and sell Ceviche at my local farmers market in Cape Coral FL. What permit/ licensing to i need to get started? Will I have to prepare everything in a commercial kitchen?

  7. Farmers markets in my area and flea markets in my area are bucking the new food freedom act laws
    and not allowing cottage food producers to sell in their venues.
    They are still requiring Health department inspections, and that the food sold in their venues be produced in a commercial kitchen,
    So basically I'm locked out of these venues because I'm a cottage food producer.
    I could understand having the requirement of food liability insurance but the rest of what they're requiring is stupid.
    Also looks like I'm going to have to reformulate just about every spice blend I have
    Because they're saying that I cannot use powdered beef or chicken bouillon such as Knorr brand
    Which was in quite a bit of my spice blends
    I can understand not being able to sell beef jerky
    But prohibiting dry powdered bouillons like knorr that are licensed products ?
    Ridiculous !
    So far the food freedom act does not have any freedom in it at all really
    Now I have about $1,000 worth of spices that have to be dumped in the garbage it looks like.
    The news is always great for everybody else but me, I should be used to that by now😂

  8. I need help, i live in louisiana and want to start a cottage food business for my jams and jellies but I'm trying to figure out how much it would cost to start and what I'd need, from what I understand louisiana isn't strict I think I only need the sale tax certificates but idk if I should start as a sole proprietor or still create a business and name first.

  9. Hi, thanks for all the information. Under the cottage food laws can cake mixes be used to make cakes to resell or does it have to be from scratch?

  10. Thank you for these videos. I just started making Gourmet fudge and will be a vendor at my local Fall festival. I didn't hear you say anything about fudge on there. What is your experience at farmers markets with people that sell fudge?

  11. A lot of this video gives me the icks. Don't resell crap you bought somewhere else. Especially if you're going to a farmers market, support local good food yall.

  12. I came here to learn about how to share the food I grow with my community and maybe make a living doing it, instead, my soul just sank hearing how farmers markets are being exploited like this. A farmers market should be just that. A market for farmers to sell. All this is is being a retailer.

  13. Hey Damien, another great video with excellent advice. I’d like to know where to get info on buying the different items from you to repackage and sell at Farmers Market please. BTW, I bought some coaching from you last December when I wanted to sell my vegan cookies. Boy were you right on! Thanks you. I will be calling you for another coaching lesson very soon.

  14. This may have already been covered, but not all Farmers Markets are the same. Check the rules and regulations, some require the foods to have been produced within a certain radius of the market, re-selling of something you didn't grow yourself is prohibited and some limit certain types of foods particularly if another vendor has a similar item for sale. Others are more of an open air market and anything goes. It would be wise to find out before you invest in something that you might not be able to sell.

  15. Such good information! I just started my own Home bakery under the Oregon exemption law. I can make most everything you just talked about. Everything has to be shelf stable here. I have my very first "pop up"-ish event in July being held indoors at the community college being held indoors and we all have our own booths. It's a free event to get into for the community and especially geared towards kids. I don't even have to rent a space! This is the first time they've done this so I have NO idea how many people may attend or how much product I should make. But you've given me some great ideas on what to make. I appreciate this video so very much!

  16. I’ve just started a Spice / seasoning blend business. Got labels designed and at the printer. I’ve been approached by another graphics printer wanting to give me an estimate for cards, placards, signs and whatever else. I’m paying $1 per label right now and $1+ per jar. Any resources that may be helpful?

  17. I run a farmer's market stand in several towns in Maine year around. This information is correct, however, after years and years of experience most markets have stipulations stating that the vendor must create their product to sell it OR be a LOCALLY crafted product that you are CLEARLY reselling. The entire point to LOCAL farmers markets is to endorse LOCALLY produced items. Thankfully there are a lot of regulations in place to slow this type of business model down. Profit isn't the only objective. On a side note, I've watched many folks trying to upsell or "resale" items they buy bulk inevitably fail. "No skin in the game" as the saying goes.
    Thanks for the video I'm sure you're making a killing with that gmo cheap popcorn kernels, margins margins margins!

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