Making Money

You wanna work in the oil field? Here’s the simplest way to make 100k plus with zero experience

#pipeline #oilfield
Looking for work in the oilfield? Check out as well as for job leads, hiring fairs, and more. @oilfieldjobshop


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  1. Im a heavy machinery operator from Europe, after my last job i can't seem to get more that 40/h per week, that barely pays the bills.. damn i wish i could get into Texas start putting into some real work and get that money. I love working and i love Texas it's my dream place to be.

  2. I started om my first rig at 17. They ask me to grease the crowewsn after coming dowwsen they would let me do Derrick hand. Noone liked throwing chain once I did that I was hooked. I have seen crews tripping in and out but for some reason I always ended up on the fastest crew. I'm 62 and taking down some huge trees and a experienced guy said I bet that's a two day job I said nope my wife guitssds ropin at dinner so I get them big ones down by then and roll em up on my mill with a canhook and pull them around with rope and pulleysssd and a big winch.

  3. Started in the oil patch in 1958, still pumping a couple of leases, enjoy the production end. Worked for Oil Well Supply Co in the sixties in Liberal, El Dorado, Casper.. great outdoor occupation.

  4. Replying in 2024
    These are great. My husband works at an Equipment Operator in oilfield. The pay is VERY good. But these postings on the site provided are mostly staffing companies posting jobs. Which means you're playing Russian Roulette on job security. Seeing the temp and staffing postings, the pay is NOT great.
    I worked in a lab for 3 years and we were always short staffed. We would have people join from staffing companies that were always tossed aside once we met a certain mark.
    Make sure you're applying somewhere you're sure the company gives you a permanent position. My husband and I also did work on the road that gave us perdiems. Doing renovations in hardware stores. Once the jobs run out; it sucks. And we were permanent employees; we were out of work all of December and January and us along with all our coworkers left and went to other jobs.
    Make sure you have the next job set up before hand.
    But everything he said in this video is right on the money.

  5. This guy is exactly why women make less than men. Women won't or can't do this stuff, but I NEVER hear women using jobs like this as an example for where they get paid less.

  6. need some advice. i will most likely be convicted of a felony and misdemeanor, dui and possession of controlled substance (thc cart) im in north dallas and i currently have an okay job start out $15 hourly and $.50 raise every 3 months. should i stick with this job or head for a trade. i’m willing to bust my ass cuz i have a daughter and want to do everything for her. 20 years old btw

  7. I used to to chase pipe from west texas clear up to wyoming in my 1974 camper. But i had enough of the road. Then i got into UST installs starting my own excavation & consulting company now piping out gas stations. I like it better. No welding all poly and fiberglass stuff. Its more a game of who you know, but Im home every night. State and fire dept permits are the major hassle, also getting parts is hard sometimes. The jobs are small and slow but i run the whole thing and make all the money now. Along with a couple side gigs im gonna be doing great by this time next year. Much less stressed. Adequate sleep and food now.

  8. sir i just wanted to let you know you’ve really opened my eyes to a opportunity that i never knew existed i can’t thank you enough im exited i want to get into this line of work im 19 physically capable and i have nothing going on in life to keep me from this

  9. Its a great life raised 2 grown sons stayed married for 35 years owned # of houses all in Socal and dropped out of school 10th grade made $8.82 per hr at one time but never gave up and made as much as 190K working week on week off so go get You some!!!

  10. Are there any jobs that an old man (62) can do in the oil field? I have semi-conductor equipment maintenance experience. I've always wanted to work in the oil field.

  11. I would say you would be earning 20 times more than what you're making if you were working here in California except the problems with that is that

    1. After taxes, your "20 times more" profit isn't actually 20 times more because of you-know-who thinking he's actually doing any good for California
    2. We don't know if there are any oil rigs around here in California except maybe up in Northern California
    3. All those glasses-wearing nerds who grew up in the city their whole lives thinking they understand economics, science, energy and whatnot will argue "oil isn't necessary blah blah blah because environment so let's ban gas stations" and often forget that oil is necessary to keep the gas prices down so they may justify trying to kill the type of jobs involving working in oil fields

  12. My. Sister is moving up. Their. She is. Retired and my. Brother in law. Is. Retiring. Also. But I. Know why and I don't. Blame. Them. Kids kids. Want want want. He has worked. Hard and I got. Him to go to. Seaman's. School and now his. Company has. Done. Well

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